Time to stop doing more about things that mean less and less?

The key message of this book is captured on the opening page 'Transformation comes more from pursuing profound questions than seeking practical answers'.

I first read this book eight years ago, and it had a huge impact on the way I think about idealism, engagement and hidden cost of ‘how-to’ pragmatism. In picking it up again for this blog, I feel it is almost more relevant today than when it was written.

The book presents a guide to bringing life ‘granting personal value into an indifferent or even hostile corporate landscape’. What the book points to is a conversation that is missing but genuinely needed in organizations and society.

In Peter Block’s words,

“This might elevate the state of not knowing to being an acceptable condition of our existence rather than a problem to be solved, and we might realise that real service and contribution come from the choice of a worthy destination than from limiting ourselves to engaging in what we know will work”

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